7 Class Challenge

Are you ready to try the 7 class challenge?

If you are reading this then you are up for the challenge!

You will have access to 7 different themed classes and 14 days to participate in them. The first class will determine which intensity level you should work at based on your fitness level and then you will have 6 other classes to work on your stamina, endurance, balance and strength.

Each class offers something different and gives you an insight into the various themes available in the main Cardiac Lauren membership – so it is like a mini-taster!

Cardiac lauren - 7 class challenge - £7 14 days cardiac rehabilitation
Join The 7 Class Challenge

For just a £7 one-time fee!

What Is The 7 Class Challenge?

The challenge is to do one class every other day.

Follow the order of the classes as they have been designed so you will use different muscles on different days and participate in classes which will either focus on working your heart and lungs, muscles, coordination or balance. This way you are less likely to ache or feel tired after the classes.

This gives your body time to rest and recover after each class and gets you into the habit of doing some formal exercise during the week.

Put a reminder on your phone, add it to your calendar, stick a note to your TV or even get your exercise clothes out in the morning so you are ready to do the class later in the day.

The classes you will have access to are:

First class - an introduction - cardiac lauren

Each class has been designed to be safe and effective for people with a cardiac condition or for adults in the general population who may have other medical conditions and want to exercise in the comfort of their own homes.

You can do it on your own or get another member of your family to join in and you can do them together. You might be in your living room, your kitchen or your conservatory… if you have enough space you can participate!

Is it safe for me?

Lauren will ask you to complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) which she’ll respond to with guidance if you need to adapt any exercises based on your medical history.

You can also ask her questions privately at any time via WhatsApp, email or live chat, so if you have any heart-related questions, worries or niggles, you can get them answered without spending days waiting for a GP appointment.

Many members say having personal support has been useful and they have a better understanding of what they can do.

Is it a one-off payment?

Yes, it is. If you sign up for the challenge you have access to the classes for 14 days only and there is no commitment to joining the main Cardiac Lauren programme.

Do I need to buy any equipment?

No, you don’t. Lauren uses tins of soup and milk bottles filled with water as her weights so go and have a look around your house for items that are light, medium and heavy to hold.

If you do not have a laundry basket or it is the wrong size or shape, then have you got a box or a pile of books or pillows that you can stack up? You do not have to put any weight on the objects so you can improvise!

I’m a beginner, can I do them?

Yes, you can. The first class will show you which intensity level to follow. The classes require you to be able to do everything standing but you can use a chair as a balance aid.

It’s time to sign up! You can do it!

Join The 7 Class Challenge

For just a £7 one-time fee!

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